CH4 Global: Asparagopsis

2D Animation

CH4 Global commissioned Monkeystack to produce an animated series that tell the story of their fascinating work in combatting climate change through a particular seaweed – Asparagopsis Armata.

Together with other grazing animals, cows contribute about 40% of the annual methane gas level towards global warming. Australian researchers found that Asparagopsis has the ability to reduce this level of production by up to 95% when just 1% is mixed with feed.

The animations, delivered as chapters of a story, are resources on CH4 Global’s website, bringing an engaging and educational message to life. With a particular focus on Australia and New Zealand, the native home of Asparagopsis, the chapters cover The Trouble with Methane, Why Asparagopsis Seaweed is So Special and Creating a World Saving Industry.

CH4 Global’s methane-busting project is supported by South Australian Landing Pad, which Monkeystack are proud to be approved suppliers on.

The findings of Asparagopsis research have led the South Australian Government to recently announce their support of the establishment of a commercial seaweed industry with the east Point Pearce intertidal aquaculture zone and the Narungga Nation Aboriginal Corporation (NNAC), within South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula.

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CH4 Global: Asparagopsis
Chapter 1 The Trouble with Methane

CH4 Global: Asparagopsis
Chapter 3 Creating a World Saving Industry